Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan

…for the future of Sandbach


NDP Polling Cards Drop on Doormats

Posted by on Mar 1, 2016 in Cheshire, Communication, Planning, Sandbach

NDP Polling Cards Drop on Doormats

Polling cards for Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan have started to drop through residents’ letterboxes in preparation of the Adoption Referendum on Thursday 24th March. The referendum is the culmination of nearly 2 years work by a group of Sandbach Town Councillors and Community representatives.   The Neighbourhood Development Plan for Sandbach has already gone through two phases of public consultation. The initial consultation took place in September 2014 when the 1st Phase Questionnaire found out what residents liked/disliked about Sandbach and how they wanted to protect or change it. The second consultation occurred in January 2015 with another household questionnaire. This questionnaire focussed on how residents wanted to protect or change Sandbach and its environment.   The policies contained within the final Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan have been produced as a result of the second phase questionnaire and subsequent public consultations. They are based on resident responses and aim to protect the good things about Sandbach and improve the not so good things.   The final part -The Referendum Stage- is the third consultation phase in the production of the Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan and gives residents the opportunity to confirm that they agree with the Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan policies.   The Referendum Question will be:- “Do you want Cheshire East Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Sandbach to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”   With the choice to vote YES or NO.   If at least 50% of referendum voters vote YES then the Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan becomes a legal reference document that will have to be referred to alongside Cheshire East Council’s Local Plan as part of the local planning process.   A leaflet containing a synopsis of the policies and explaining when and where to vote is being delivered to all households commencing 5th March. CLICK BELOW to download a copy of the leaflet here. SandbachTownCouncil_Referendum_8pg_v3   Full details of the Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan policies can be found at Paper copies are available for viewing at Sandbach Library, Sandbach Town Council offices in the Literary Institution and Cheshire East Council offices,...

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SANDBACH NDP Student’s Picture Competition

Posted by on Feb 6, 2015 in Cheshire, Communication, Competitions, Sandbach

SANDBACH NDP Student’s Picture Competition

PICTURE COMPETITION  Sandbach Neighbourhood Development Plan is giving Sandbach students the opportunity to win £250 for their school in a competition to illustrate Sandbach. The competition is open to all pupils between the ages of 4- 19 years who attend a Sandbach school. There will be two prizes available to the winning Student and their school. PRIZES 1. £40 sweet bomb to the Student who submits the winning entry for themselves or to share with their friends/classmates. (Sponsored by Chocodoodledoo & STC) 2. £250 (cash-prize) to the winning Student’s School for the purchase of capital items. TO ENTER Simply produce your own unique “Picture of Sandbach”. Students can use any medium e.g. paint, pencil, crayon, photograph or fabric. Students can use any style e.g. drawing/painting/collage or photography. Students can feature any subject that makes Sandbach special to them or they think captures the character of any part of Sandbach. No matter what the subject, whether it is The Crosses, Abbeyfields, Wheelock Rail Trail, the Canal or a favourite building, all will be welcomed entries. Entries must not exceed A3 size and should detail the entrants name, age, address and school on the reverse of the artwork. Completed entries should be handed in at the students’ school reception. Closing date for entries is 27th February 2015. Entries will be adjudicated by a panel of judges from the community during the first week of March. We hope to announce the winner during the week commencing 9th March 2015. You and your family are encouraged to share their views, which you can do online at: If required physical questionnaires can be obtained from the Sandbach Town Council Offices or the...

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Success with completion of Phase 1 – now for Phase 2!

Posted by on Nov 19, 2014 in Cheshire, Communication, Planning, Sandbach, Uncategorized

Success with completion of Phase 1 – now for Phase 2!

  The Working Group producing the Sandbach Neighbourhood Development Plan, with the support of a group of dedicated community volunteers, has now completed the analysis of the phase one questionnaire. A total of 1,539 questionnaires were returned by the community with 16,540 “mentions” being made in total. The analysis has revealed seven common theme / subject areas; Community & Wellbeing, Heritage & Character, Housing, Infrastructure, Local Economy & Jobs, Environment and the Protection of the Countryside. Overall the themes, which the community highlighted as being the most urgent, were around, in no specific order, Housing, Infrastructure, Protection of Countryside, Economy & Jobs and Community & Wellbeing. The Group Chairman, Ian Knowlson stated, “I am pleased that we are now able to evidence the community priorities and would urge everyone to continue to support this work by engaging through public meetings and consultation. This plan will help to protect Sandbach against inappropriate development for many years; therefore it is vital that everyone contributes to its production.” The next step is to draft an Aims and Visions Questionnaire that will examine these issues in detail for release to the public in January 2015. If you would like to be involved in setting the Aims and Visions then please come along to a community workshop, this Saturday 22nd November at Sandbach Town Hall from 10am till 4pm. This is a great opportunity to review the consultation results in detail and help decide what should be included in the Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan. This is a key piece of work and the help of the local community is vital to the eventual adoption of the plan, which will help shape the future of Sandbach. To help keep you going throughout the day, a sandwich lunch and refreshments will be provided. Please let us know if you are planning to attend so that we can get a good idea of numbers by informing the Working Group via email or by phoning Sandbach Town Council (01270)...

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Consultation – Phase One – Completed

Posted by on Oct 3, 2014 in Cheshire, Communication, Sandbach

Consultation – Phase One – Completed

This week Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan Working Group closed the first phase of the consultation on the Sandbach Neighbourhood Development Plan after receiving over 1,500 responses from residents, businesses, community group and schools. The NDP Working Group with support from volunteers will now look to analyse and process the responses to determine what are the key issues raised by the community before producing a phase two questionnaire which will look to examine the issues in more detail later this year. Ian Knowlson Working Group Chairman said, “This is a good response and exceeds the numbers we had been told to expect for a town of our size. Now the hard work begins to analyse and process the information. We would be delighted for any volunteers from within the Sandbach Community to come forward and help us analyse the data and would encourage them to email us on or contact us via Sandbach Town Council 01270...

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Have your Say

Posted by on Sep 6, 2014 in Communication

Have your Say

Consultation is under way for residents to express their views on what they would like to see in a Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan. Initially residents and businesses are being asked to answer FIVE simple questions: What is good about living in Sandbach? What is not so good about living here? What do we need? What should we look after? What are the three most important things you would like a neighbourhood plan to...

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SNP Website

Posted by on Aug 28, 2014 in Communication

SNP Website

Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan have just created their website in partnership with Clarke Website Design Ltd.

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