Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan

…for the future of Sandbach

Sandbach Release Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan for Statutory Consultation

Posted by on Mar 18, 2015 in Uncategorized

Sandbach Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group, in conjunction with the Sandbach Town Council, has prepared a draft Neighbourhood Development Plan for the Parish of Sandbach.

Sandbach Town Council is pleased to announce its release for Statutory Consultation under regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Plan (General) Regulations 2012 with effect from Tuesday 17th March 2015 until 1st May 2015.

The purpose of this consultation is to seek representations from Statutory Consultees and others whose interests may be affected by the draft proposals. Please be aware and assured that your comments will influence our final draft plan before a further Statutory Consultation which will be conducted by the Local Planning Authority. It will subsequently be subject to an independent examination.

The NDP Working Group Chairman, Ian Knowlson, stated ‘This is a key milestone in the process of making our Neighbourhood Development Plan and a significant amount of work has been undertaken by Town Councillors, Community Representatives and Volunteers so far but there is still much more to do. Nevertheless it is a major achievement and one which the community can be proud of.’

A copy of the draft plan can be viewed on the Sandbach Town Council website or

This site also contains details of the process involved, the necessary supporting documentation and a consultation feedback form. If you require a hard copy of the plan, one will be made available on request.

If you would like to make representations with regard to and hopefully in support of this Plan, then please submit them by 1st May 2015, to:-


The Town Clerk

Sandbach Town Council

Sandbach Literary Institution


Cheshire  CW11 1AE

Telephone 01270 600800 or email to

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